TV / Internet / Telephone

There are various offers for internet, telephone, and cable tv. They vary according to place of residence. Most residents must pay a fee for radio and television.

Radio and Television Fees

Persons who have a device in their apartment which is capable of receiving radio and television programs (including computer and internet access) must pay radio and television fees (Radio- und Fernsehgebühren | Redevance de radio-télévision). This statutory fee supports public programming by the Swiss radio and television (SRG SSR) as well as private radio and television stations. The company serafe is responsible for collecting the fee. Persons who receive supplementary benefits may be waived the fee.

Telephone, Internet, Cable TV

There are various offers for telephone, internet, and cable TV in Switzerland. Some are only available in particular regions. Service may depend on the place of residence or even the building. Services and prices may vary. Comparison is recommended. Persons wishing to install a satellite dish should discuss this with their landlord or neighbours. In general, internet service at home is very fast. There are very few internet cafés because most households have internet access.