Old-age and Survivor Insurance (1. Säule | 1er pilier)
Old-age and survivor insurance (Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung, AHV | assurance-viellesse et survivants, AVS) is a state institution. Most adults must make financial contributions. The contributions are deducted directly from employees' monthly wages. The employer covers half of the contributions. Self-employed or unemployed persons should ask the retirement and survivors' branch of their municipality of residence (AHV-Zweigstelle der Wohngemeide | l’agence AVS de votre lieu de domicile) how to pay their contributions. AHV pays retirees a monthly pension. The amount paid depends on the contributions made. In case of death the AHV also pays the spouse and children of the deceased a pension (widow's and orphan's pension). Every person receives an AHV card with a personal insurance number.